Hair Loss Treatment
Academic Alliance In Dermatology Is Partnered With HarklinikkenHarklinikken Hair Loss Treatment
Our team at Academic Alliance In Dermatology has partnered with Harklinikkento ensure our patients receive top of the line hair loss products during their treatment. Harklinikken has more than 35 years of experience in hair and scalp disorders with 20,000 clients in active treatment by nine clinics respectively in Denmark, Germany, USA, and Dubai.
Proven Products
Our hair treatment products are individually tailored and targeted therapy for your specific hair type. Our hair treatment products only use natural products and supplements of the highest quality. Our hair treatment products include the latest relevant knowledge and research related to hair and scalp disorders.
We develop and manufacture active ingredients and products for treating hair loss, thinning hair and scalp disorders. We do not make use of problematic ingredients such as perfumes, essential oils, color and/or parabens. Harklinikken treatments are 100% individually designed for each client and the treatment and the products used in the process are adjusted throughout treatment.
How Does The Treatment Work?
Harklinikken’s breakthrough treatment uses a proprietary Extract based on ingredients derived from plants and cow’s milk. The Extract is customized to the needs of each client enabling us to achieve unparalleled results. Compliant qualified candidates experience a 30-60 percent increase in hair mass.
The treatment consists of nightly application of the Harklinikken’s liquid Extract on the areas of your scalp that are thinning, followed by daily shampoo and use of specialized shampoo and conditioner. Should you be a candidate you’ll commit to daily application to ensure and maintain good results. Cost of treatment ranges from $90.00 to $130.00 monthly.